Calling in the troops

So, I think I’m pretty much tired of trying to do all of the house chores by myself, and realizing that if I don’t do it, it simply doesn’t get done.  Ryan and I declared war on the kids last Saturday.  We laid down some new rules and consequences for not keeping the rules.

I made these chore charts on Monday morning and we had a great FHE lesson about what makes a happy, healthy family.  The kids caught on pretty well and are very excited to try the charts again.  We’ve tried a different version of this chart before, but we didn’t really enforce it.  Not this time.

So far, we’ve had 3 days of clean rooms and dishes taken over to the sink, toys picked up, and the whole bedtime routine is pretty much understood.  There is even a spot for a sticker if they stay in their bed the WHOLE night.  They kind of forgot about that one Monday night, but it worked well last night.  The last thing I said to them was, “remember to sleep in your beds the whole night to get your sticker”, they both got excited and I guess they remembered. YEAH!  We took the kids out Sat. evening to the Dollar store to pick out treats and prizes for the basket.  If they get all of their stickers or checks for the week, then they get to pick out a prize or treat from the basket.

Anyway, the other chart is to help us get all of our vitamins and good foods in for the day.  I ask them if they want their greens for lunch or for dinner and their fruit and they choose. They also get drinks.  They really love the juices and smoothies that I make with the Blendtec, they are packed with antioxidants and vitamins, so that is awesome.

The other row is for good behavior.  We have only 3 that we’re working on right now.  The kids talk really loud (yes, I’m sure they get it from me), but I’m trying to get them to use a quiet voice inside the house.  The winnie and friends picture is about being kind and sharing.  And the no whining is self explanatory.   I HATE WHINING!  Yes, I know I am whining about them whining, but it drives me NUTS!  I’ve got to stop it now while they’re young.  Notice, Ry get’s Tuesdays off for some of his because that’s his bishopric mtg. night.  Aren’t I so nice!  LOL!

So, wish us luck!  I know some days might be a little off, but I thinks it’s a great guideline to have.