So, if you click on the link above (the title) and it doesn't take you to my REAL blog than please leave a comment and let me know. If you can get on to my other blog, but cannot leave a comment, please leave a comment here on this post to let me know.....or if you can't even open up my other blog, because it takes forever, crashes your computer, or freezes....please leave a comment to let me know either on this post or on the other blog.


Token Asian Friend said...

I'm a clickin', but I don't see a link anywhere.

melmommy said...

Click on the title SURVEY

Suzanne said...

It 15 minutes for it to upload, about a week ago. I try about every week. Then when I was able to open it, I couldn't click on any of the links. But it truly was sooooo beautiful. I am so impressed. Just like in the mission, you don't do anything half-way.