Becky Stuart

Today was Becky’s funeral. It was a great funeral and I believe it left everyone who attended with a greater determination to be better. I know it inspired me to be more like Becky and to be more Christ-like. Some of the things that I remember most about Becky was her listening ear and her words of wisdom. She never preached, she never judged. She just encouraged and loved. She always had a great smile for me no matter what, and when she could tell that I wasn’t too happy, her look automatically turned to concern and she would give me a big hug and ask me how I was doing. She loved to shop the sales at Dillard’s and other stores as well and taught me to look for sales and great deals. She always looked classy. She always had her family looking nice as well. She was diligent. She made sure we went walking and biking for the time that we were committed. She LOVED her children and her family. She always had them prepared and taught them to be nice and considerate of others. I remember taking a valentine or something to Mike once and sure enough not too much longer, Mike was in the car with Becky bringing a valentine (that no boy could’ve ever done on his own) back to me. She was FUN! She let us (Jo and I) stay at her house until very late sometimes. She let us or at least endured all of our crazy water fights. She listened to us babble on and on about life, boys, school and the neighborhood. She even helped plan a water attack against her own boys once just for us, well and Candyce and Melissa helped as well. LOL! I’ll never forget one particular time that Becky helped me. I was home sick from work and got up to use the restroom and passed out. Next thing I knew I was aware I was on the ground with a big bump on my head. My mom was unavailable (for one of the first times ever) and the first person I called was Becky. She immediately came down and sat with me on my bed and talked with me and held me hand. She called Vic Tyler to come and help carry me to the car to take me to the hospital. I later found out I had a cyst on my ovary. She was just so comforting as she always was. I love that picture of Becky because she was sticking her tongue out at me and I remember this night very well. This was the time period we (Jo, me and Becky) were riding our bikes and walking every morning to the point of the mountain and around the mall. We would always finish our morning routine by getting a hot chocolate or a drink. I loved our talks and how Becky helped Jo and I solve our problems or she would just listen and giggle a bit. I’m sure it was pretty pathetic for her to have to listen to. But those were great days that I will never forget. Some of the most recent memories I have of Becky are when we’re deciding about wether or not to move back into the neighborhood and she happened to come by at a moment of stress for me because that particular day we were ready to give up on the whole thing and I was feeling very frustrated and upset. She just hugged me and let me talk. She said she would pray for me, and that she hoped everything would work out so we could be close again. More recently I remember her planning Ty and Mel’s wedding. We teased her a bit about how perfect everything needed to be and how she would agonize over a decision, but I admired all of the details and the way she pulled that day off. It was gorgeous! Perfect! It was fun to watch her while Ty and Melissa were taking their pictures. She was so happy for her baby girl. I remember one night before the wedding, she came down to my house to look at the wedding video Ry and I were doing for them and she was teary eyed watching Melissa’s growing up pictures and she started to really cry when she was listening to their interview and she just kept saying, “I can’t believe it...I can’t believe she’s getting married, it seems like she was just little”. It made me want to enjoy every little moment with my kids, because they grow up so fast. Anyway, I’ve rambled on enough! I wanted to make sure and write this down so that it’s fresh because I’ve been thinking about it and remembering so much this last little while. I’m not sure it’s even really hit me yet that she even had cancer and more especially that she died. It just seems to me like she should still be here and that I’ll see her around the neighborhood and at church and at family parties. I don’t know. The Lord must have had a pretty good reason for taking her from such a great family who needs her. At her funeral, it was repeated that her testing was done, she fulfilled her purpose on this earth. I think that is really beautiful. She was one of the greatest, most loving, kind people that I know and in the end, I’m extremely happy for her. Mike said in his talk, that he was proud of her. I kept looking over at Dennis at the funeral and toward the end, he had such a look of gratitude and of peace on his face. I knew that he was grateful to Becky and loved her, I knew he felt a great love for his children and was very proud of his wife and the legacy that she left. I will miss Becky very much. Cancer really sucks! My heart aches for my sweet sister-in-law Melissa and all of the Stuarts. I know that Becky will always be there watching over them and just as concerned and interested in their happiness as she has always been. The gospel is true and families can be together forever. I truly believe that.


Britta said...

So, this has nothing to do with the blog topic, I am just replying to what I saw you write on Chris' blog. Congratulations on number 4 by the way!!

I come to Utah every month for a class I am taking, I am actually here right now, in Salt Lake. Where are you guys? I'd love to see you!

We are all going to be here as a family in December. My class is the weekend of the 12th and we have a friend getting married on the 19th so there is a lot of time where we could meet up.

And in the mean time, I come back in November and I'm bringing both of our kids, usually I just bring Kaia. So if you had the time and you aren't too far away it would be cool to meet you all!

Suzanne said...

So funny that so many sisters right now are strolling down the memory roads of Taiwan!

My mom just sent me a letter in the mail about something that happened in our bunks in the MTC. It's hilarious. I'll have to post it just for you!

Token Asian Friend said...

Check your gmail, saxey.